Maadhyam, International Council for Conflict Resolution, is a pioneer in the mediation movement in India and has championed the cause of ADR as a pathway to resolve disputes and restore relationships.
At Maadhyam, the key stakeholders in ADR processes, from across the globe, come together to promote and unlock the potential of ADR and foster a culture of resolving disputes with efficacy and fairness.
Pro actively engaged in policy making in the field of ADR, Maadhyam was privileged to be invited to witness the historic day- August 7, 2019, when India along with 45 other countries signed the Singapore Convention.
With its mission of continued learning and capacity building, Maadhyam undertakes awareness and training programmes, both international and domestic, to equip the ADR professionals with not just the necessary skills and knowledge but also the best global practices.
Its Youth Forum, engages with the young talent in schools and colleges to empower them to be the leaders of tomorrow in reducing conflict and building peace and through Kewal Memorial Foundation, Maadhyam implements its community welfare activities.
The logo derives from the central form of the letter 'M'.
The form is divided into 3 areas, (separated by the white line). The left and right areas represent the 2 parties; the space separating them represents the schism.
The top area (coloured rust), in the shape of an arrow addresses this schism and resolves between the two.
Looked at with a different focus, the white line synthesizes the two into the one as it moves into depth: articulating the aim and process of conflict resolution.
(a) To provide a forum for all those interested in various forms of dispute and conflict resolution without distinction of religion, race, community, caste, creed, colour, gender, language, socio-economic background, or any disabilities to understand, assimilate, utilize and synchronize the latest trends and knowledge in the field of law, mediation, arbitration, conciliation, dispute and conflict resolution and to popularize all alternative dispute and conflict resolution processes as an acceptable and useful choice for dispute/conflict resolution at all levels.
(b) To provide a forum for the legal fraternity in India, to gain knowledge of the theory and practice of law, mediation, arbitration and conciliation and other dispute resolution processes and to assimilate and utilize it appropriately in the practice of law and dispute/conflict resolution at all levels.
(c) To be a forum for Advocates, mediators, arbitrators, conciliators, therapists, psychologists, sociologists, psychoanalysts, counselors, academics and experts from all fields to get together and share knowledge and experiences with special reference to law, mediation, arbitration, conciliation and Appropriate Dispute Resolution processes as modes of conflict resolution.
(d) To establish, promote and provide facilities, mechanisms and continuing legal education in dispute / conflict resolution and its advancement.
(e) To co-ordinate and work in co-ordination with government, other dispute/conflict resolution organizations, forums, associations, systems.
(f) To promote and represent the interests of advocates, mediators, arbitrators, conciliators, therapists, academicians and experts involved in the field of conflict resolution;
(g) To accredit mediators, arbitrators, conciliators and institutes of mediation, arbitration and conciliation and other forums of dispute / conflict resolution;
(h) To promote, critique, lobby and assist for legislation relating to law, Alternative Dispute Resolution and all forms of dispute/conflict resolution;
(i) To educate, promote and create awareness of law, Alternative Dispute Resolution including mediation, arbitration and conciliation as effective alternatives to the adversarial systems.
(j) To give scholarships, grants and stipends to conduct research in all forms of dispute and conflict resolution and related fields. To enable and provide internships to students and others to undergo training in law, mediation and conciliation, arbitration, and Alternative Dispute/Conflict Resolution processes. To give awards to deserving persons/institution in recognition of their contribution to law and various forms of alternative dispute/ conflict resolution processes.
(k) To work, liase and collaborate with the judiciary, executive, and legislature; universities and other educational institutions; associations and federations of business and other professions and vocations; institutes and centres; companies, firms and other entities; bodies and individuals for the growth and development of law, mediation, arbitration, conciliation and all other Alternative Dispute/Conflict Resolution processes.
(l) To associate with Bar Councils, Bar Associations, judicial, legislative, executive and educational institutions including the law schools to include and develop mediation, arbitration, and conciliation and other forms of dispute/conflict resolution processes in the curriculum with due importance to practical training including to set up, manage, administer, run, collaborate with the aforesaid institutions, centres, specializing in law, mediation, arbitration, conciliation and other Alternative Dispute/conflict Resolution processes.
(m) To collaborate and affiliate with international bodies and organizations for enhancement of learning and developing innovative problem solving methodologies in the area of law, mediation, arbitration, conciliation and other Alternative Dispute/conflict Resolution processes and associate with reputed law schools abroad to arrange international exchange of knowledge, information, exchange programmes and collaborations for organizing projects of international importance.
(n) To hold conferences, seminars and workshops for furthering the objectives of the Society.
(o) *[To constitute forums/committees/Advisory Board comprising of Sitting and Former Judges of the Supreme Court of India, High Courts and District Courts, Legislators, jurists, entrepreneurs, Industrialists, academics, other eminent persons to provide inputs to the society for furtherance of its aims and objectives.]
(p) To undertake, facilitate and provide for the publication of journals, newsletters, books, research papers, and other publications in or through all media for the promotion and education of law, mediation, arbitration, conciliation and other Alternative Dispute / Conflict Resolution processes and the interests of advocates, mediators/arbitrators/conciliators, therapists, academics and experts and matters incidental or ancillary thereto.
(q) To promote mediation, arbitration and conciliation and other processes for dispute/conflict resolution amongst government bodies, corporates, institutions and individuals.
(r) To give affiliation to institutions, organizations, centres and associations of mediators/arbitrators/conciliators and other experts in dispute / conflict resolution.
(s) To establish standards of training in mediation, arbitration, conciliation and other Alternative Dispute/conflict Resolution processes, certify institutes and courses, prepare course material, conduct training and impart value added education in the area of mediation, arbitration, conciliation and other Alternative Dispute Resolution processes to create skilled professionals to handle mediation, arbitration and conciliation and other modes as a specialized field of dispute/conflict resolution.
(t) To work towards establishing standards of ethics for mediators, arbitrators and conciliators and those associated with dispute / conflict resolution and to prepare course material and conduct training in this regard.
(u) To acquire, create, register, hold and license out works, training materials, systems, algorithms, programmes and to secure and protect rights to intellectual property therein pertaining and incidental and /or ancillary to dispute resolution and conflict management systems and designs.
(v) To introduce, promote and organize peer, family and community mediation in schools, colleges and other organizations and to provide training, expertise, materials and facilities for the same.
(u) To formulate expert opinion on issues and subjects related to law, mediation, arbitration, conciliation and other Alternative Dispute/Conflict Resolution processes and submit recommendations to concerned authorities.
(x) To raise funds including through fees, grants, donations, subscriptions, loans and by organizing events etc., for achieving the objectives of the Society.
(y) To establish and support or aid in the establishment and support of any Association or Institute in any way connected with the purposes of the Society or to further its objectives.
(z) To create a Centre or Centres for the development of law, mediation, arbitration, conciliation and other Alternative Dispute/Conflict Resolution processes and to assist any other Centre or Centres in building capacities and share best practices in law, mediation, arbitration, conciliation and other Alternative Dispute/Conflict Resolution processes to aid and encourage the providing of competent professional services in the area of law, mediation, arbitration, conciliation and other Alternative Dispute/Conflict Resolution processes and generally to fulfill the objectives of the Society.
(za) To establish a Chapters for young minds to empower them to be future leaders as lawyers, mediators, arbitrators and ADR professionals
(aa) To acquire, purchase, lease, sell, demolish, mortgage, establish, construct, maintain, alter, add and manage lands, buildings, equipment, facilities and amenities for the development of activities of the Society.
(bb) To do all such other things as shall further the attainment of the aforesaid objectives or any of them.
No addition, alteration or amendment shall be made to the aims and objects of the society, which would render the Society at any time to be non-charitable.
(cc) The Society shall be an irrevocable Society for the benefit of all persons belonging to whatever community irrespective of Caste, Creed or Religion.
Provided always and it is hereby declared that the Society is established for charitable purposes and its properties and income shall be held and applied for those purposes only and that all the objects, purposes and powers of the Society set forth in this Memorandum of Association shall be construed as limited by the foregoing terms, which shall be treated as overriding in effect and as governing all the provisions of this Memorandum of Association notwithstanding anything expressed or implied therein to the contrary.
Provided further that all the income, earnings, movable and immovable properties of the Society shall be used and applied solely towards the promotion of the aims and objects of the Society as set forth in this Memorandum of Association and no income, profit or any part thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividend, bonus, profit or otherwise howsoever, or in any manner whatsoever, to the present or past members of the Society or to any person claiming through any one or more of the present or past members. No member of the Society shall have any personal claim to any movable or immovable properties and/or assets of the Society or make any profit whatsoever by virtue of his/her/its membership. However, nothing herein shall prevent the payment, in good faith, of reasonable and proper remuneration to any officer or aide (not being Members of the Society) of the Society.
(dd) In the event of dissolution of the Society the funds/assets of the Society remaining after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities whatsoever, shall under no circumstance be distributed among the Members of the Society, but the same shall be transferred to some other Society having similar objectives.
Mission Statement Maadhyam, International Council for Conflict Resolution is an inter-disciplinary body and has been at the forefront of mediation movement in India. Maadhyam is playing a leadership role in changing the mindset of society in the way it looks at disputes and in adopting non litigious forms of dispute resolution. The organization aims to create communities and professionals that will look at disputes as a chance to strengthen relationships rather than damaging them. Maadhyam engages with all those interested in mediation and arbitration in India and the world to understand, assimilate, utilize, synchronize the latest trends and knowledge in the field of conflict resolution. Maadhyam especially seeks to provide, popularize, develop and promote alternative conflict resolution processes as acceptable and appropriate choices. Maadhyam is committed to a continuing education and training programme in dispute resolution services and contributing to the capacity building professionals. Maadhyam has also been teaching mediation as a credit course in law schools and conduction Peer mediation programs in schools to inculcate a culture of peaceful conflict resolution in young Indians. Vision Statement Building peace by empowering communities to manage and resolve conflict
Maadhyam aims to build capacity with a global outlook. Our team is committed to advance your skills and techniques of conflict resolution.